Category Archives: Skin

Acne Treatment Nottingham

The skin- gut connection – part 2

Over the years, I helped many women and teens confused about which face products to buy,; many mums were contacting me worried about their teens that their homecare routine is harming their skin .

When I talked to teens about their skin routine, and I checked the products they were using, I realised that they were using too many products!

In the last ten years, I worked with many people with skin problems and they were complaining about tummy issues.

To me it was no surprise, because our digestive tract – from the mouth to the other end – is made of skin cells.
So you see, it’s only a matter of time for an unhappy tummy to show on the outside as a skin condition!

Since 2019, I am happy to be able to offer a complete nutritional help along with my skin treatments to improve the skin .

Before, I used to send my customers to the high street to buy the nutritional suplements and sometimes they went to few health shops to find all the products I recommended.

  1. Now I can offer alThe inside view of skinl the nutritional suplements  needed.

Remember, when in doubt about your skin, book an online skin consultation.

Keep well,

Corina Lucian
SkinCare Expert


Keywords: online skin consultation, teens skin, gut , doubt about skin


My skin- gut connection journey- part 1

My skin- gut connection journey- part 1

I became a facialist in 1993 and I worked in Europe and Asia for 15 years before opening my skin clinic in UK in 2008.

To my surprise, I noticed that UK is a common place for rosacea, adult acne , teens acne , eczema and psoriasis, than in any other parts of the world I worked.

Teenager with acne

In the same time, UK population has a high rate of tummy complains.

In my practice over the years, I noticed that over 90% of my skin challenged customers have tummy complains :
•Gluten intolerance
• Colitis

• Lactose intolerance
• Bloating
•Difficulty digesting certain foods


Other challenged skin types customers suffer from anxiety, insomnia or depression.

Did you know that the gut and the skin are made of the same cells, called epitelial cells?

Knowing this, is no surprise that when the gut is irritated or unwell , it’s only a matter of time until the skin will show similar signs.

Remember, the skin is our biggest organ, but we often forget about it, until we suffer with a skin condition!

The skin has many rolls which keeps us alive , but today we will talk about its role as
•Eliminator of toxins

The body gets rid of toxins through breathing, kidneys, colon and the skin.

Now, many of us :
•don’t drink enough water,
• have a diet poor in fibre
•don’t have a daily bowel movement
•use cosmetic/ body products full of synthetic ingredients

No wonder our body is full of toxins!

But there is hope! – read part 2 of the blog and learn how we can help ourselves.

And while in lockdown, we offer Zoom Holistic Skin Consultations.( Just book yourself online, and I will schedule a zoom meeting at your the requested time) .

If you need help, I am only a click away.


Keep well,

Corina Lucian

SkinCare Expert

Corina Lucian SkinCare

Should we use an SPF* cream or not?

As the days gets warmer and we spend more time outdoors one may ask: should we use an SPF cream or not?
And if yes, what SPF number should we use?
The answer to those questions may not be that straight forward. We read on all beauty magazines that we should use a high SPF cream every time we go out.

While I am a strong advocate of using an SPF 30 or 50 on the face, neck, ears and back of hands to prevent wrinkles and “liver spots” , I am a bit more forgiving when I talk about the body exposure to sunshine. You may wonder why !
We all heard how damaging are the ultra-violet (UV) rays, but not many of us knows that :
UV are healing and desinfecting, thus helping acne 

UV are involved in the making of Vitamin D3, which makes the bones stronger.

Let’s see how is UV produces Vitamin D3: on a sunny day: as the UV baths the skin, in the presence of cholesterol, the skin makes vitamin D3. That’s why is very important to get at least 20 minutes of unprotected sun exposure a day, before 10am and after 4 pm.

I will talk about the sun damage in another blog.

*SPF is Sun Factor Protection

Until then,

Keep well,

Corina Lucian
Skincare Expert



What do you know about skin cancer?

The idea about today’s blog came after talking to a lady I know who was recently diagnosed and treated for skin cancer. In today’s blog I put together few questions about skin cancer.

When she pointed out a tiny mole on her face to her beautician , she was adviced to exfoliate over it every day.
Let’s pinpoint some facts which may help you self diagnose; and remember, when in doubt, visit your GP.

Skin cancer usually appears over an exposed area of the skin like face, the scalp of the bold men and a skin injury like a burn scar.

(My dermatology teacher explained that where the skin is already scarred, there is a favourable area for skin cancer, because the scarred skin is already abnormal )

Here are some questions to ask yourself:
Is it a new mole ?
Is it larger in size then the last time you checked?
Is it’s shape asymmetric ?
Has it changed its shape?
Has it changed its colour?
Is it a cyst under the skin which grew larger lately?
If you answer yes to few of the questions, I would advise to let your GP know.
It may be some benign mole, but is always better to be safe then sorry.
Salon Corina’s skin consultation cover any questions you may have about your face.

I am so passionate about skin cancer, that I am willing to do a talk about the subject.
Register your interest by email at

Best wishes,

Corina Lucian
Skincare Expert
Salon Corina

Things you didn’t know about your face

From about the age of 13, we start to pay attention to our face.Actually, it was proven that even babies prefer a human face over any other shape!

Over the decades, face changes its appearance, but some things remain the same.

The skin around the eyes is the thinnest of the body; that’s why it shows the first signs of aging?

Or that the eyebrows thins and shortens as we age (or because of certain thyroid conditions) ?

How about that we have 43 muscles on the face from which 23 pairs of muscles insert in the mouth area? -Yes, that many-
Or that we use more muscles when we are upset than when we laugh?

Or that sun protection is important if we want to prevent wrinkles?
Nothing ages the face skin more then sun rays, actually more than 75% of skin ageing is related to sun exposure!That beautiful holiday suntan is just a skin defence mechanism to minimise the DNA damage of the skin.

And the next major aging factor is smoking: smokers will have earlier eyes and upper lip wrinkles ! And I will just mention that a smoker’s skin has an unhealthy complexion.

How about the liver spots on the sides of the face? It has nothing to do with the liver, actually there are just simple age spots from prolonged sun exposure!

And please note that a thick lips face needs thick eyebrows ! Eyebrows fashion comes and go….

Or did you know that black eyebrows gives the face an older, harsher look? While thicker, darker eyelashes gives a sexy, youthful look!
Over-plucking may need a make-up trick or two to improve the shape or thickness of the eyebrows.

I hope I shone a bit of light on the face matter.

Keep well,

Corina Lucian MFHT
Skincare Expert

What to expect from a face consultation

Skin ConsultationIf you are reading this, you may be confused about your home skincare routine, or  you may struggle with your skin for various reasons.

We start the consultation by asking few general questions like :

Why are you here today?

We talk about your skin type

We test your skin

What is your homecare routine ?

What products you use? How often?

We will check the cosmetic products ingredients

We advice how to use your cosmetic products

We answer any skin related questions you may have.

You may need further treament , but you will be advise on that

For more information

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